Course Overview
According to the American Management Association, managers spend on average 20-50% of their time dealing with conflict. Conflict, or the critical polarities and tensions between individuals, is unavoidable in any group setting. In fact, the culture of many organizations is defined by how they deal with such issues, arising from a variety of situations when individuals disagree on strategies, values, performance standards and working style.
However, it’s how one manages conflict that determines if these differences can lead to growth and development within a team or an organization, allowing people to productively reach their goals, improving relationships and saving time, energy and effort. Drawing on the widely used Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) participants will be exposed to a valuable tool for understanding their preferred conflict-handling modes, in the context of trying to fulfill their own as well as others’ needs. We will explore not only the range of conflict-handling modes available, but also take the material one step further in discussing how to determine which mode to utilize in a particular situation or when interacting with a difficult individual.
Participants will:
Learn their preferred conflict-handling modes and become aware of the diversity of approaches at their disposal
Understand how to interpret their TKI profile holistically, according to the various dimensions of the model
Identify several key attributes of a situation to evaluate the most appropriate conflict mode to employ under a given set of conditions
Develop an ability to use each mode intelligently and effectively, in order to foster personal growth and organizational development
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All employees.
Anyone who manages conflict or needs to have a difficult conversation.