Course Overview
Behavioral Interviewing Essentials by Julia Mallory focuses on one of the most challenging aspects in the workplace – recruiting and enlisting the right person for your team.

This hands-on, interactive workshop introduces participants to behavioral interviewing concepts, strategies and tactics to provide practical tools for effective recruiting.

Course Modules
Behavioral InterviewingSkills and knowledge are on the resume, how do I learn about someone’s behavior in the workplace? 

Most interviewers spend too much time talking about what’s on the resume, not about performance in the workplace.  Learn to move past the words on the page and ask questions that get a candidate to tell you how they conduct themselves on the job.

Understanding Yourself and OthersTemperament theory and practice.  Explore the 4 working styles / temperaments and determine your own personal “best-fit.”  Once you understand what makes you tick (and the unconscious prejudices we carry with us about other temperaments) you will learn to “de-code” other personality types and develop your own toolkit of understanding and communication techniques to effectively understand the candidates you are interviewing.


The Communication ProcessIt’s how we get people to do something that we want them to do.  Once we understand our personality type, we move on to understand how we send and receive communication.  Practice “flexing” your preferred communication style to minimize misunderstandings in the interview process.

Creating a Personal Interview PlanThanks for the great workshop, but now what?  The capstone of this seminar is the development of a personal plan for you to use as you participate in the recruiting and selection process.

After completing the course, participants will:

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